Social events are an important aspect of our ethos. We hold regular events including coffee mornings, a summer outing and a Christmas Party. Members can simply chat and make new friends as well as exchanging hints, tips and experiences.
A great day out to Poole by coach with a harbour cruise to view ‘millionaire’s row’ an Brownsea Island, thanks to Chris from Good Connections.
Our relaxing summer cruise up the River Thames on the Caversham Lady, with a mouth-watering cream tea.
A fascinating wander around the Henley River and Rowing Museum followed by a delicious lunch in their cafe.

The lucky first prize winner in the Christmas lunch raffle, kindly donated by the Holiday Inn.

Members enjoying our Christmas lunch at the Holiday Inn South

Barely a crumb left of the lovely cakes provided by Henry Street Garden Centre for our coffee morning!

Our summer outing – a cruise along the Thames to Whitchurch, with plenty of time to enjoy a delicious cream tea.

A farewell meal and presentation to Arlene for her marvellous 18 years service as our secretary

Ladies love a man in a uniform!

Jenny and Gerry, whose fundraising made our trip to the Milestones museum possible.

of years, kindly invited us for a private tour of the Houses of